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Seven Pillars

The Seven Pillars is the Foundation upon which we are built and exist.

ONE ~ Sacred Trinity

Body - We are souls inhabiting human form and are provided a vessel which we must maintain and respect with proper nutrition and movement in order to achieve untainted connection to our higher self and the universal consciousness.

Mind - A healthy, peaceful state of mind and practice of fluid, open-minded awareness is essential in supporting the expansive nature of our thoughts. Be present with self, and be present with others.

Spirit - Spirit is the essence of soul which is bound to and inhabiting our body. It is the conduit to the ethereal whereby consciously connecting to Spirit we cultivate the divine within us.

TWO ~ Philosophical Fluidity
We strive to nurture new perspectives to progress our spiritual evolution, which is unique to each individual on their personal path. The universe is not static, therefore our minds should not be static in a rigid belief system. We respect the individual’s journey by not imposing a particular dogmatic belief system and encourage freedom in exploring diverse philosophical concepts based upon the foundation of the Sacred Trinity and Universal Laws which govern the worlds we exist in.

THREE ~ Stewards of Earth
We believe we are all one, connected to the innumerable life forms and entities upon the Earth. Possessing advanced Human consciousness we are custodians tasked with the responsibility of preserving and nurturing the health and purity of all plant, mineral, elemental, and animal kingdoms. We practice a sustainable and regenerative lifestyle within the Church and our personal lives to the best of our abilities, striving to become as environmentally conscious as possible.

FOUR ~ Purity 

By striving for purity within the body and mind we allow for the benevolent Light of the Sun and the gift of organic flora and elements of the Earth to achieve their full potential within ourselves for optimal health and wellness. Free from corruption of synthetic harmful matter, ingested or injected, enables us to raise our frequency to a lighter density of being.

FIVE ~ Connection - Self, Earth, Ethereal -  Botanical Sacraments

We integrate the Sacred Trinity with the Ethereal by accessing non-ordinary states of consciousness utilizing deep meditation, breathwork, or botanical sacraments, allowing for deeper connection of the physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual aspects of ourselves from an objective perspective. These practices access the subconscious, collective unconscious, and shadow aspects of the mind to allow for deeper understanding and healing by transcending the limitations of the conscious mind.

SIX ~ Service to Others

Not just unselfishness, but detachment from ego so the benevolence of the divine may act through us to assist those in need, free from expectations, recognition and personal motives.

SEVEN ~ Be human - Integrity

We're on earth to learn and experience the human form and everything that goes along with the experiences of life. Let's not take ourselves too seriously; make mistakes, feel emotions, be gentle on ourselves and recognize the deeper aspects of mind through Jungian philosophy to help us understand our own behaviors and we are here to learn, grow and experience all the aspects which makes us conscious beings with reason.

The Kybalion
The information outlined in this book is the foundation of the pillars of our organization, and explains the elemental, foundational laws of the Universe. Understanding the wisdom in this book is the master key to Self Mastery.

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